Three Phases of Treating Hashimoto’s

I just finished uploading 8 video presentations onto YouTube on the primary causes of Hashimoto’s and its treatment. Here’s a brief summary of Phases I, II and III.

Phase I

The primary goal of the first phase of treating Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is to reduce inflammation. Thyroid inflammation is due to too much hydrogen peroxide production in thyroid cells which is due to the stimulating effects of the hormone TSH.

Reducing TSH is a must and is accomplished by taking a thyroid medication. This prescription adds thyroid hormones to the circulation and signals the pituitary to reduce TSH production. Just because a person takes a prescription in the first phase does not mean they will have to take it for the rest of their lives. Much depends upon how long a person has had Hashimoto’s and damaged their thyroid gland is.

The other way of reducing TSH is to avoid iodine and iodide. Both of these stimulate the pituitary to secrete more TSH.

A third effort is needed to reduce the thyroid’s inflammation and this is accomplished by providing lots of antioxidants. The best one is glutathione which the body can make by giving it selenium and N-Acetyl Cysteine. A sublingual glutathione can also be used.

The goal of the Phase I is to reduce TSH below 1.0, to lower the thyroid antibodies close to the upper normal limit and to prepare the thyroid for optimal production of its hormones.

Phase II

This is the time to re-introduce iodine and iodide for health reasons as well as to see how well the thyroid can once again produce thyroid hormones. The introduction of these trace minerals is also for helping to prevent the recurrence of Hashimoto’s.

During this phase TSH needs to be monitored as well as thyroid hormones and thyroid antibodies just to be sure that the iodine and iodide are not over stimulating the production of TSH and thus increasing inflammation and thyroid antibodies.

Once a person is able to take about 6 mg of iodine and iodide without any problems they have entered Phase III which is basically the continued optimization of their health.

Third phase is when iodine and other nutrients enter various tissues including the breast and ovaries and are now protecting them from environmental toxins and pathogens.

Simply provide the body with what she/he requires for health is THE MOST effective means of prevention as well as the protection of health.

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23 Comments on “Three Phases of Treating Hashimoto’s”

  1. What do you recommend when THS levels are low and TPO still high. My THS is 0.070 and TPO 376 on recent test?

    Thank you for advice.

    • Hi Teresa,
      More information is needed for me to reply with specific comments.
      Have you had your thyroid receptor antibodies checked?
      Are you on a thyroid prescription?

      Sometimes, when a person is on a thyroid prescription, it will be enough to lower TSH. But if you’ve had Hashi’s for a long time and your antibodies were really high then this can cause a never ending vicious cycle where the antibodies to damage the thyroid with continued destruction of thyroid cells and the release of thyroperoxidase enzymes.

      If this applies to you then the step that’s necessary (essential for everyone with Hashi’s) is to cool down the inflammation. This is done in two ways.

      One is to increase the body’s production of glutathione by taking selenium (400mcg daily), using a sublingual glutathione and a glutathione cream called Super Oxicell by Apex that is rubbing into the skin over the thyroid gland.

      The second way is to get on a gluten free diet for 6 weeks. This is much more difficult to do than taking supplements but I’ve seen it speed up the process of healing quite dramatically.

      Hope this helps,
      Dr Haskell

  2. Thank you Dr.Haskell.

    Yes, I will certainly try the glutathione cream and the gluten-free diet. I’m taking 75 mcg Levothroxine, 400mcg selenium and given latest test results on TPO antibodies are going down from >800 to 376.

    Just this week added probiotics, Immunocal(undenatured whey protein isolate or glutathione), Lecithin,& Quercetin.Hoping these help.

    Last month, added Sam-e along with vitamins(A,B,D).Sam-e made a HUGE difference -now I feel great compared to before.Trying to stop the attack on my thyroid – appreciate your insight.


  3. Christie Says:

    Dear Dr.Haskell,

    Just diagnosed with Hashimoto. My T3 is 3.5, T4 is 13.3, TSH is 4.3, Thyroglobulin antibody is 409600, Microsomal Antibody is 409600, TSH Receptor Antibodies is 1.2. I am not under any thyroid prescription. The endocrinologist has requested for a blood check in another 3 mths to see if the T3 n T4 level is dropping. Pls advice.

    • WOW!! are you serious or was it a mistype… 409,600?????
      Never have I seen such a case….
      I am certain that your body is producing Reverse T3 just to counteract the high T4.
      What’s happening is that some thyroid cells are opening up and releasing thyroid hormones… this is why they are so high.
      I suggest getting on a hypoallergenic diet and removing gluten immediately.
      Get rid of all iodine in supplements and foods.
      Start using selenium in the methionine form to get your glutathione levels up… take 600mcg a day….
      I also suggest using DMSO with glutathione mixed in. This is a little cutting edge but I feel it is necessary to get the inflammation of the thyroid down.
      I hope this helps….
      I can consult with you if you like. You can contact my daghter, Justyn, to set an appointment. Her address is
      Dr. Haskell

      • Christie Says:

        According to the lab report it’s 409600. It’s on the high side, that’s why my endo requested for needle aspiration and tested negative for cancer. I have multiple nodules which are inflammed. The endo says there is nothing much he can do now but wait for the hormon level to drop and prescribe me with hormon pills.I couldn consult you personally as I am in Malaysia. Can I get the supplement that you have suggested at the local pharmacy? Thank you so much for your advice as I am feeling so frustrated and the inflammation is causing so much discomfort.I will try the gluten free diet right away.

      • Hi Christie,
        You may not find the methionine form of selenium but use whatever you can.
        With your antibodies being this high I believe that something else is going on. What I’ve seen most often in a problem with mercury from the dark fillings. I had one young man whose case turned around as soon as he had the one mercury filling replaced with a white composite and then started using a heavy metal chelator taken orally. There are other approaches to removing heavy metals.
        One of them is called N-Acetyl Cysteine taking about 1,500 mgs daily but starting slowly at first.
        Vitamin C is also really important and around 4,000mg is a good place to start.
        If you do try the DMSO be sure it is pharmaceutical or medical grade and not industrial.
        I do have overseas clients since we consult over Skype if this might be possible for you.
        I do not make any guarantees but maybe we can get them cut in half in a couple of months.
        All the best,
        Dr. Haskell

      • Hi Christie,
        Somehow your submission slipped by without a response… sorry…. please take a look at our series of videos on Hashimoto’s on our site at hope for hashimotos dot com. I know you will find it informative, practical and helpful.
        Dr Haskell

  4. Jo Ann Says:

    Dear Dr.
    I have thyroid antibodies of over 1300.
    Normal TSH, T3 , T4. Swelling only on left side.
    I take Vit D, stopped Multivitamin because of soy & iodine in it.
    Taking selenium 200 mg & vit E. What else can I do?
    I have good days, no swelling, and bad days, swelling and extreme fatigue.
    So confused.
    Thanks so much.

  5. Lydia Says:

    Hello! Is this blog still active? Thank you!

  6. Patrick Says:

    I am a 44 year old man. My Thyroid antibodies are greater than 1,300, TSH is 5.22 & my T3 & T4 are in normal range. I just found out through an ultra-sound that I have a solitary 8mm nodule on the left side of my Thyroid. For years I have suffered from lack of energy and fatigue, joint pain, and recently slight swelling of the ankles, even though I work out and try to be very active. I have recently gained 17 lbs (over the last year). I often feel bloated for hours after eating. I have fatty liver (diagnosed 6 years ago) with current ALT’s at 79. My Cholesterol is 243. Should I take Thyroid hormones? FYI: I am 5’10” and 206 lbs.

    • Hi Patrick,
      Even though your T4 and T3 are in the normal range it’s quite possible they are in the low segment of that range. Since your TSH is elevated the proper diagnosis is Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Taking a thyroid prescription will likely help to lower TSH and improve your hormone levels. If you do not have Hashimoto’s which often is present with thyroid issues and elevated TSH, then use iodine, iodide and selenium. A good healthy dose is 3mg of the combination of both. Standard Process make Prolamine Iodine with each tab being 3mg.
      I don’t believe the solitary nodule is producing thyroid hormones since the typical lab test would be higher levels of thyroid hormones and low TSH.
      Beware of the type of thinking that cholesterol is bad…. usually putting people on a high protein low carb diet will correct high levels of cholesterol. Get on some supplements to cleanse the liver. This would be inositol and choline. If you know of any physician doing IVs with PC or phosphatidyl choline it’s worth a try. it acts as a detergent to help emulsify fats in the liver.
      All the best,
      Dr. Haskell

  7. Stephanie Says:

    I just purchased your book and am waiting its arrival. I have Hashimotos with TSH of 9 and normal free T3 and T4. I have terrible hives. I have started a non-gluten diet and am writing down what I eat. However, after 3 days, I am still getting hives, even eating a very limited diet (rice, salted meat, blueberries, etc). What else should I be doing? I am also starting Synthroid, but even the lower doses (.25mg) makes my hands and feet very hot.


    • Hi Stephanie,
      There have been a few clients with the same problem, the hives.
      Reducing their antibodies helped a lot. But they also needed to correct their adrenal hormone cortisol levels.
      They also had liver issues and the use of various liver cleansing herbs helped as well.
      Do you know about our video series found at
      It provides a wealth of information.
      Dr Haskell

  8. Liz Says:

    Dear Dr. Haskell,

    My blood tests indicated Hashimoto’s 6/1.

    TSH 4.75 MIU/L
    TPO AB 269 IU/ML
    Free T4 1.1 NG/DL
    Vit D 30 NG/DL
    Globulin 2.1 G/DL (not sure how this fits in, but it was low so I am including it.)

    Tested again on 8/2 by a different doc (who won’t think outside the box).

    TSH 4.650 MIU/L
    TPO AB 319 IU/ML
    Thyroglobulin AB, < 20
    T3 92 (normal 71-180) Also, I don’t know the units so I have included the normal ranges.
    T4 7.9 (normal 4.5-12)
    Vit D 57 NG/DL

    I have gone off refined sugar (and consume very little natural sugar), gluten and soy (except for that which is in my supplements). I am not taking Synthroid, although that was prescribed by the first doc. My supplements are as follows:
    Multi, B Complex, C (4500mg), Probiotic, S. Boullardi, Sublingual Glutathione (started days b/f the last test), Super Oxicell cream (recently added), Superoxide Dismutase (oral 400 mg), NAC, Selenium (200 mcg), L-Glutamine, Magnesium, Colostrum, D (6000 IU), Detox herbs

    Trying to find someone who will prescribe the compounded T3/T4. Is there anything else you would advise for me to do?

    Thanks very much.


    • Hi Liz,
      The most important thing to do is to get your TSH down which will stop stimulating the production of hydrogen peroxide inside thyroid cells. The only way I know of doing this is through a thyroid prescription.
      The T4 in the compounded T3/T4 is the same as the T4 in Synthroid. There is no difference. The T3 in the compounded will likely help but it is a synthetic as well. Do not use a desiccated thyroid prescription such as Armour.
      For more information take a look at our video series on Hashimoto’s at
      If you need some guidance we do long distance consults.
      All the best,
      Dr. Haskell

  9. Holly Middleton Says:

    Hello! I just recently watched your videos on HopeForHashimotos and I am encouraged to give it a go! I was on Synthroid for a year and got well-intentioned, but misguided, information and stopped taking it (for only about 4 months) and started taking L-tyrosine with Atomidine. My TSH levels were normal when on Synthroid, but I still had most symptoms. I felt better off Synthroid, but my TSH levels went back up (of course). I have since started back on the Synthroid, but now they have found a very small nodule. Should I have it biopsied to determine if it is cancerous, or should I wait to see if the Synthroid will help reduce the nodule? I was told I probably have Hashimoto’s, however, no antibody tests have been done. I don’t think my doctor even knows there is a test available… I go to an endocrinologist next week.
    Any advice would be appreciated!
    Thank you for making your information available for free on the internet. It shows that you are truly interested in helping people and not out to just make money!

    • Hi Holly,
      My father recommends the best first step is to see if you have thyroid antibodies (TPO & Thyroglobulin) since the approach to treatment is completely different than simply treating hypothyroidism.

      It is also always a difficult call re the biopsy. He suggests getting the full panel for the thyroid including TSH, T4, Free T4, Free T3, the antibodies and the Reverse T3. This would be a starting point.

      It seems unlikely that there would be thyroid cancer so maybe as far as an assessment, have an ultrasound.

      Please let us know if we can be of any further help.

  10. Rhonda Danner Says:

    Dear Dr. Haskell,

    I just watched your videos and wish I had found this information years ago. I am 54 and believe I have had thyroid problems all of my adult life. Last year I was diagnosed as hypothyroid however I was reluctant to take anything for it. I tried the Armour thyroid last summer for 8 days and believe it made me hyperthyroid during that time. I have 2 dense lumps which have grown in size over the last four years. I just had a biopsy and the results came back “suspicious”. My surgeon is pressing me to have my thyroid removed as soon as possible as it could be cancer. I don’t want to. Can any of your protocol help my situation?

    Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.


    • Hi Rhonda,
      Most people are not comprehensively diagnosed. I wonder if you have been checked for thyroid antibodies (TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies).

      If you have not then this is the first step. If you have and they are negative or within range then it’s a matter of optimizing your thyroid hormone levels using specific nutrients (iodide, selenium, zinc, and possibly iron) as well as considering a thyroid medication. To know which med is best requires assessing TSH, T4, Free T4 and Free T3.

      If you do have these antibodies then go to my other site to learn more.

      All the best,
      Dr Haskell

      • Rhonda Danner Says:

        Dr Haskell,
        Thank you for such a quick answer. I have had three blood tests in the last year but do not think they included thyroid antibodies. My TSH was 7.4 on the last test. It is the biopsy that has me concerned. They think the lumps could be cancer and are rushing me to have my thyroid removed as soon as possible. Is it safe to wait and take it slow? If I use your protocol could surgery be avoided? Could the lumps go back to normal or shrink? If I do lose my thyroid, would I than follow the same protocol as someone who is hypothyroid with a thyroid? and or someone who has Hashimotos (if I do have that). Is it the same treatment whether you have a thyroid or not? I know these are a lot of questions but I really need help.

        Thank you,

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